Anywhoo L.A. has a very weird crowd to the point I almost shoved my 5 inch heel into some bitch's throat. Word is bond every where I go I have drama following me. I was on Sunset Blvd. with a couple of good friends I have in the L.A. vicinity we went had dinner at Geisha House which is good but too expensive. I really think I spent 20 bucks on a california roll.

We went to a little bar after on Sunset. Theres this girl drinking with her boyfriend and I was getting a weird vibe from her boyfriend, too much staring. It was very uncomfortable, even to the point where my friends noticed. The girl got up and approached me, picking a fight in the middle of the bar. Are you serious? I'm not even allowed in bars since I'm 20 and this chick wanted to start a fight. Ugh, act your age! I ignored her mean stares through out my drinks. When we were getting out to leave she tried to shove me. Thank God for what I was wearing on my feet bc I kicked the bitch
Hey she deserves it. I hope she like her bruise on her leg!
Any ways I'm here sitting on my hotel room bed. L.A. Was nice went to the beach early this morning. Training wasnt that bad.
I read books and got a nice tan! So I'm happy I cant wait to go home and see my friends!
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