Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Best Pizza In NYC?

Can SomeOne Please Tell Me?
Brooklyn And Midtown And Below. I would really like to know. BC if you suckahs know me, its really m fave dish!


Anonymous said...

The Best Pizza is on Dyckman Street, between Post Ave and Nagle. Pizza Heroes! Anybody who thinks different can be proven wrong. My fav as well :]

Digital said...

Take the L train to Bedford. As soon as you get out of the station make a right and you will stroll upon the best pizza shop in the world! It's next to a grocery shop,I believe. Their pizza is straight up mouth sex lol.

Digital said...

Take the L train to Bedford. As soon as you get out of the station make a right and you will stroll upon the best pizza shop in the world! It's next to a grocery shop,I believe. Their pizza is straight up mouth sex lol.