This man up top has become my newest best friend. Ever since Janet, my grandmother who doesn't like to be called Grandma or Abuelita, left I have to clean. So today I took a trip down to A&P and bought all this disinfecting shit because I have a little dog that has gotten use to going on his wee wee pad. So this fucking pad makes the whole damn house stink! Also we have the Isha whos sick and I can not afford to miss anymore days of school nor work.
So I cleaned the whole house from top to bottom. Damn my mother's house is a bitch to clean. All these little corners and nicks and nacks. I have counted in this household we have 27 picture frames let alone in the living room. She has 30 in the TV room. I mean how many pictures can she have of us at some party or taking our first steps really, but hey thats who she rolls and its pretty cute.
Miguel, my amazing cousin came over today twice to find me cleaning, yelling at my dog, and also making pasta a la dominican style. So yes the whole house is disinfected and I very happy I feel like something got accomplished today. I also started a new rule, people have to take their shoes off at the entrance. Why, because then dirt is all over the place and all that shit. Ugh! I bought a basket at Crate and Barrel so Shoes don't go missing. So yeah for a whole month I am the housewife. I make dinner, clean the house, and Febreeze shit out of the place so it doesn't stink like Rusty.
Well I'm over and out gotta hit up the foodnetwork.com and figure out what I'm making tomorrow.
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