Someone answer this question. . .
So today I went to Ikea with the madre in need of more closet space. Let alone I take up about 3 closets in my house which we both share. I don't look as my clothes as something I wear once and throw out because some pieces are very rare and special to me. So I call it collecting. For those who know me very well and not off the Internet know that I have too much clothes and are scattered all over the place in my room. No I have not labeled my self as a professional blogger for some store but I have done internships at an amazing house of fashion (LVMH) and even though I don't pursue it in my studies its still a part of my everyday life.
So please I ask you nicely please hop off my shit and start attacking at something with a penis who actually dresses better than you than a girl with $400 shoes on her feet
And when did I get this so called persona???
Umm read my past blogs sweetie I've been talking about fashion way before this movie came out. I get so mad when grown men start all this hissing and fighting over the internet, with a girl. I mean come on at 25 shouldn't you have a career and focusing on life and on SELF investments shit I know I am and I'm only 20. Instead of starting Internet beef because I'm bored sitting on my laptop. Sorry this I feel as 25 is the new 19 for certain people.
Well on more important newsss.
I start my summer session soon! I'm glad because it will be held at the Manhattan Campus and I wont have to go all the way to the Bronx to take these classes. Also I start taking my M-Cat classes also this summer so I will be on my way to start the process of applying to certain Med Schools! Yayy let the hours of crazy studying BEGIN!
I got my Miu Miu Pumps Today!
I'm so excited they will make their appearance at my baby cousins baptism.
Also My Macbook is still gone =[
But Thursday I shall pick it up and be complete again.
Well I shall go and finish this project up.
Also when did H&M become a bad store? I mean if you like it you buy it right?
I mean they have cute umbrellas and scarfs. But hey I rather vary my clothes then look like a stuck up bitch who only shops in Saks and Bloomingdale's, who has a good job and rather spend her money on clothes before responsibility kicks in Right??????
Oh wait heres a better. . . BC All of the sudden I have this persona from watching a movie . . . and I didnt Want to throw out $350 Dollar jeans I bought last month
and also the vintage YSL pumps all the way in the back of my closet.
Really This is funny.
And and To those who comment. Be Careful He might start Internet beef with you guys too! So beware with the man with the Napoleon Complex and The Wooden Ring!
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